The very first time we met Chris Slattery, he had come to our office to speak with my husband Paul...
Pro-Life Champions
Judy Anderson: A Soft, Calm Voice for the Preborn
In C.S. Lewis’ novel The Great Divorce, which tells the story of people on a bus ride from hell to...
Father Mike Schmitz: Faithful Guidance for Today’s Youth
“Abortion . . . has broken our hearts.” When I heard Fr. Mike Schmitz speak those words at the 2022...
Dr. John Bruchalski: A Divine Pro-Life Journey
Dr. John Bruchalski is an obstetrician/gynecologist in Fairfax, Virginia. When he was younger, his...
Let Them Live: No Mom Should Have to Choose Between Paying Bills...
Emily Berning is the president of Let Them Live—a pro-life, nonprofit organization located in Fort...
The Tepeyac Family Center: Setting a New Standard for OB/GYNs
Featuring an interview with Dr. John Bruchalski, MD We live in a culture that champions “choice”...
Embrace Grace: Loving Moms & Saving Babies
Seven years ago, Maddie Martinez—then just 24 years old—stared at her home pregnancy test...
Remembering Jim Sedlak: The #1 Enemy of Evil in America
From the very first moment I spoke to Jim in 1986 there was no doubt that he was an expert on the...
Holy Family Hospital Turns No Mother Away
On the holiest of nights, door after door slammed shut in the faces of the Blessed Virgin Mary and...
A House of Light: Celebrating 40 Years at The Northwest Center
“There’s still so much shame in unexpected pregnancy . . . which is so sad. When can we rejoice in...